Sunday, April 18, 2010

Healing / Hope / Love and Life that Friendships Create

Fabulous Friendship Festival: Loving Wildly, Learning Deeply, Living Fully with Our Friends

Today was AMAZING !!! Today, I was blessed with the company of three beautiful people, of whom have committed their time, hearts and love to helping me , help my daughter get the healing that insurance won't pay for. The passion that flowed around that table over coffee today was felt through out the room, and am sure that the loving energy could be felt by all that walked by.We gathered together today to begin the fund raising for "Kylee's Rawsome Healing Adventure." Within a few short hours we had our notebooks full of ideas, wonderful ideas that will not only help my daughter. The seeds that were planted today will in the near future be sowed and reaped by many !!! I believe with every ounce of my being that there is a cure for the dis-eases that shatter lives and familes . I believe that all of our dis-eases are caused by not only the toxins, chemicals , malnutrition, but also from stress, lonliness, broken hearts and souls.

What heals more than love, be it Gods love, the Creator, Buddha , it does not matter your beliefs, what matters is that you believe. Believe in something bigger than you and to believe that it is in you, and every soul on this earth and to believe that we are all connected. That everything we do and say has an effect , like a pebble thrown in to a small ripple goes on and on . Believe in LOVE and the Power for it to Heal!! Take a moment each day to spread love to someone that is lost, alone and afraid and never forget that what you give out , you get back!! And remember to first and foremost to love the beautiful spirit that you are!

Today I am so grateful for the truly beautiful spirits who showed me that I'm not alone, that your not alone, we are not alone and that all the people out there with cancer are not alone !! We are all in this together and what we each do today to make a difference ,will ripple through time and space to bring healing to many...

In the very near future I will be posting website so that you can  follow "Kylee's Rawsome Healing Adventure."

Your Never Alone !!

1 comment:

ain't for city gals said...

I have that circle of friends...I will think of you now each time I light a candle in it..I left you a comment on the previous thoughts are with you always...