This post is dedicated to a wonderful father, friend and husband ! My girls and are I are such lucky women.
We have been blessed with a man in our lives that is always there, even when you don't know he is. His quiet , gentle presense felt by all of us. He is a man of very few words, but his smile and laughter say more than words . When our girls were growing up, he never had to be pleaded with to play outside with them, he always put them first. He never demanded they be the best, he supported them in what ever their dreams were. He loved them for who they were, and always encouraged them in what ever they did.. He never pushed them to be the best , in order to make him shine ..he just gentley guided them to find their own shinning star.. they both always knew that dad was there cheering them on, crying tears of pride when they won blue ribbons in the horse show, slid in to home plate, made a speech about woman's rights in front of a crowed room, when his little horse lover spend hours in frezzing cold lugging hay and water buckets...
He never complained about dents and dings in car, that know one knew how they got there :) or the house full of noise, bathroom he could never use, buying the wants ,that he really didn't have the money to buy..
No, is a dad that just gentley and quitley stood by, letting them know, that he was always by their side..
He is my husband, best friend . He brings me back to where I need to be.. When I rant, rave and see only the dark. All I need do is feel his gentle breeze , to bring me back to me.. He does not ask for attention, nor to be in the spotlight.He does not ask that I be a perfect housewife, beauty queen, he always loves and supports me even when I know that he may disagree...
He is my husband, a true GENTLE -MAN and brings me to the quiet safe place where I'm always loved, safe and able to rest my weary soul...
I love you my gentle-man , thank you for letting me fly ..!