I won't say that I will eat 100% raw for the rest of my life, but truly feel that I will never go back to the foods that left my body crying out for better treatment. I truly can say that I have no desire to eat out or run , the food just taste over processed, too much salt and lacking energy. For sometime now I have been feeling blah, finding it hard to get going in the morning and running out of energy by 5 P.M. ..But since I have started eating raw again , I feel so full of energy, lighter, happier and ready to make more positive changes in my life.. Can food really make such a big difference? YES ..it can :)
I'm taking my raw food life style a step further ! Tomorrow I will attend a class to become certified in preparing Raw Food. I want to learn more and more, to teach others how to meal plan, grocery shop, and prepare raw foods for theme selves and family. To lose weight , to feel more energy, to really take charge of their food choices and health...My husband and I lost over 20 pounds each over a year ago when we went raw.. The weight came off without worrying about calories, hunger or becoming bored with food choices.. It was fun and meals were always different .
After my class tomorrow I will post on here daily, food ideas etc... so excited !!!
Simple Changes you can make : pick one a week and see the difference :)
1.Drink 2 green smoothies a day
2.Make your own milk ( almond milk)
3.Eat Tempeh in place of meat
4.Eat your veggies raw ...
Till next time: Rawsome Healing to You ...and get out there and enjoy the day!!!
When you rise in the morning, look out your window , nature is best enjoyed in its raw form and so is food !!!